Domestic Biomass Heating

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)

A new financial incentive to change the way we heat our homes and businesses has been launched by the government, with householders able to claim payments to help cover the costs of installing lower carbon generating heating systems. The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is an attempt to reduce the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels, reduce carbon emissions and in addition, to encourage innovation and create jobs and growth in efficient heating technologies.

Biomass Heating

If you live in England or Wales the Government is making available a Grant of £5,000.00 to be used towards the cost of a first time installation of a Biomass boiler to heat your home or small business premises. To qualify for a Biomass grant under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme your property must either be located in a rural area, or in area with no mains gas supply.

See also: