Have you considered ground source heating?

Are they a reliable source of cheaper heating?

This method of heating uses pipes buried in your garden to heat radiators in the house.

A ground source heat pump circulates a mixture of water and antifreeze around a loop of pipe, called a ground loop, which is buried in your garden. Heat from the ground is absorbed into the fluid and then passes through a heat exchanger into the heat pump. The ground stays at an almost constant temperature under the surface, so the heat pump can be used throughout the year.

The length of the ground loop depends on the size of your home and the amount of heat you need. Longer loops can draw more heat from the ground, but need more space to be buried in. If space is limited, a vertical borehole can be drilled instead.

Major benefits to you

Could lower your fuel bills, especially if you replace conventional electric heating.

Could provide you with income through the government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

Could lower home carbon emissions, depending on which fuel you are replacing

No fuel deliveries needed

Can heat your home as well as your water

Minimal maintenance required

Unlike gas and oil boilers, heat pumps deliver heat at lower temperatures over much longer periods. During the winter they may need to be on constantly to heat your home efficiently. You will also notice that radiators won’t feel as hot to the touch as they might do when you are using a gas or oil boiler.

Can we help?

Like to know more or how to make your home more energy efficient? Please do use this site to check if you are entitled to any financial assistance, or alternatively make contact and one of our advisers will be pleased to help.